Fay Butler Presents . . . How would you like to host a one-or two-day seminar in your shop? For more information or to begin making arrangements, contact Fay directly. Click on the links for previous off-site seminars. Petaluma, CA - Jeff Ryder’s shop - February 2016 Wyotech, Laramie, WY - August 2015 Tomball, TX - Sean Ornduff’s shop - February 2015 Eastern Maine Community College Welding Talk - September 2013 AWS Welding Seminar, Assabet Vocational Technical HS, Westboro, MA - March 16 and 24, 2012 Non-Destructive Testing Seminar, Marietta, GA - 3/2011 American Welding Society (AWS) Seminar, 3/2010 Wyotech - 2010 Wyotech - 2009 Bryce's Street Rods - 3/2008 Bryce's Street Rods - 3/2007 Rhodsdale, Maryland - 2/2007 Bryce's Street Rods - 9/2005 Eclectic Motorworks - 2005 Bryce's Street Rods - 10/2004 |
©2005-2016 Fay Butler