Fay Butler Fab/Metal Shaping

Off-Site Seminars

February 3-5, 2007
Rhodsdale, Maryland

Fay Butler's metal shaping seminars are information packed on why metals react as they do during shaping. Fay emphasizes understanding metals from the inside out. He believes principals and science are important as a foundation of thought, while the tricks are good for specific applications. The principals apply to all materials, all tools and equipment, and all different methods of shaping. Fay brought this educational opportunity to Wayne Patton's shop in  Rhodsdale, Maryland.

The first day is an overview of materials, compound curves, simple hand tools, and basic welding. The second day will review and expand on the first day then move into the use of professional tools. The third day has limited availability as this will be hands on for the participant. Third day participants are encouraged to bring actual customer or personal projects which they can shape and take home. To attend the third day, Fay requires you to take one or both of the previous days.

Day 1

  • Material science
  • Numbering systems and how to purchase metal
  • Understanding compound curves
  • Getting started
  • Pattern development
  • Shaping with hand tools
  • Trimming, fit up, and oxy/acetylene welding
  • Turning flanges, edges, wire edges, and beads all by hand

Day 2

  • Expanding on material understanding
  • Strengthening mechanisms in metal
  • Elements of design and style
  • Pattern development, understanding bucks
  • Understanding how to use power tools
  • Shrinking and stretching
  • Compound curves including reverse curves
  • Fit up, trimming, and welding
  • Understanding the TIG welding process

Day 3

  • Hands on review of principals – applying to participants projects


©2007 Fay Butler