If you are interested in pursuing this advanced program, and have successfully completed a seminar, contact Fay directly for more information.
March 22-25, 2010 in Laramie, Wyoming, at Wyotech, Josh Bullock, Brian Hollenbeck, Shane Williams, and Scott Mohnson assisted Fay in two seminars: one 2-day seminar for the instructors and students at Wyotech, and a 2-day program for the public. The last evening Fay hosted a dinner for all Eagle Tech students, during which all 5 of us gave a speech and answered questions relating to the trade.
On March 17, 2009, former apprentice Will Gilmore assisted Fay in his presentation at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum in Brookline, MA. |
On March 26-27, 2008 former apprentices Pat Woods, Josh Bulloch, and Randy Carlson assisted in Fay's seminar for the instructors at Wyotech College, Laramie, WY (link to Wyotech). They assisted in Fay's speech at the Wyotech student and parent orientation on March 28, 2008. They then assisted in the public seminar at Bryce's Street Rods on March 29, 2008. Click on the pictures to see what these apprentices worked on in Fay's shop.