Over the years many students from Technical High Schools and colleges have visited Fay's shop. Students experience how to shape metal, weld metal, and learn about science in metals. Fay shares his knowledge, skill, and passion for metal shaping with the students. Fay also travels to schools for talks, workshops and demonstrations of metal shaping. If your class would like to come to the shop, or have Fay visit your school, contact us.
Assabet Valley Regional Technical HS, Marlborough, MA – At Assabet Valley's commencement address in 2009, Fay "...urged graduates to focus on the big picture and not sweat the small stuff." Still important advice today. |
Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical HS Welding/fabrication class visit. Patrick Fogarty is the instructor. Brought 17 students along with Brian O’Coin from Alden Research Labs (Also teaches at the HS “Friday Blacksmith Program”. I spoke about science, car design, drawing cars, auto design languages and had each student make a tear drop shape using the air hammers, wheeling machine, hand shrinkers, and shrink dies in the Pullmax machine. October 23, 2019 |
10/16/2019 Assabet Valley Regional Technical HS,
Marlborough, MA - Advisory Board Meeting |
Blackstone Valley Vocational Technical HS, Upton, MA Welding and Metal Fabrication instructor Jonathan Fiore brought 9 students for a day visit. We spoke about design, science and automobile design language. I had the students make a tear drop shape using the air hammers, wheeling machine, hand shrinkers, and shrink dies in the Pullmax machine. October 1, 2019 |
Assabet Valley Vocational HS, Marlborough, MA Visited the HS to help the body shop layout a pick-up truck bed they wanted to build to a jeep chassis they had. I showed them how cardboard and duct tape with some wire can give them a quick visual. I also spent time with Welding Fabrication group. September 25, 2019 |
Assabet Valley Vocational HS body shop group presented me with a large poster signed by all the students that had worked on a pedal car that they entered into a competition in Boston at the World of Wheels hot rod show. I helped them with how to take their ideas and develop a model and from that they came to my shop and I guided them through the various machines to build the sheet metal panels for the vehicle. It was based on the looks of an El Camino look. May 22, 2019 |
Went to Assabet Vocational HS, Marlborough, MA for a Welding Fabrication advisory board meeting. Joe Gregoire from Alaska was with me. We helped the body shop class with a pedal car build they were working on. I showed them how to take the ideas they had, make a drawing then take a foam sheet and make a “mockup” side to the pedal car. They wanted the pedal car to look like an El Camino. Neil Mansfield the welding instructor when in military service was stationed on the Aleutian Islands which now is abandoned. It was a base during WWII and the “cold war” with Russia. It happened that Joe had gone to the islands looking to purchase some equipment as the island is now like a “time capsule” as it is so remote. January 9, 2019 |
Smithfield HS, Smithfield, RI – Jeff Macari and Mike Starring (teachers), Engineering and Technology Department. April 1, 2016 |
Smithfield HS, Smithfield, RI – Jeff Macari and Mike Starring (teachers), Engineering and Technology Department. March 18 and 23, 2016 |
Bristol Plymouth Technical HS, Old Colony Vocational HS – Kristoffer Garcia (teacher). Students were seniors and here on their own time to explore compound curves and metal shaping. November 14, 2015 |
Norfolk Agricultural Vocational HS, Walpole, MA – Bob Brol (teacher). Field trip to my shop was to give his students a baseline on compound curve work. I went over how to get started on a project, using the wheel and planishing hammer, as he has those tools in his classroom. Assistant principle Linda Maria Radzville was present. October 26, 2015 |
Assabet Valley Regional Technical HS, Marlborough, MA – Senior Class Day Awards, class softball game, Fay Butler, Ernie Prete, Davis Shade. May 21, 2015 |
Assabet Valley Regional Technical HS, Marlborough, MA – Neil Mansfield, Chris Wittmier (teachers) Welding and Fabrication Department. May 20, 2015 |
Smithfield HS, Smithfield, RI – Jeff Macari and Mike Starring (teachers), Engineering and Technology Department. March 13, 2015 |
Old Colony Technical HS, Rochester, MA – Kris Garcia, Doug Desrochers (teachers), Welding and Metal Fabrication Department. September 25, 2014 |
Keefe Tech HS, Framingham, MA Field Trip – Patrick Fogarty, Students went over compound curves, material science, and proportions of automobiles, how to draw/sketch. Each student made a tear drop shape. June 5, 2014 |
Assabet Valley Regional Technical HS, Marlborough, MA – Neil Mansfield brought his welding/fabrication group to the shop. Went over materials science, design, and compound curves. Each student made a tear drop shape. May 2, 2014 |
Eli Hickey, Gloucester, MA – High school student that contacted me and asked if he could come visit my shop and meet me. I said yes, and he made his way to my shop one Saturday. I helped him make a tear drop shape, welding it together. April 12, 2014 |
Old Colony Technical HS, Rochester, MA – Kris Garcia, Students from Welding/Fabrication program made tear drop shapes. Spoke about material science, elements of design and compound curves. April 10, 2014 |
Smithfield HS, Smithfield, RI – Jeff Macari brought his design/engineering class for a field trip. Each student shaped a piece of sheet metal into a teardrop shape. March 2014 |
Old Colony Vocational High School, Rochester, MA– December 2013 |
Eastern Maine Community College Welding Talk – September 2013 |
Norfolk Agricultural School, Walpole, MA – June 2013 |