Fay Butler Fab/Metal Shaping

Fay's Ultimate Library

Practical UpholsteringPractical Upholstering
By John W. Stephenson
Copyright 1937
Published by Clifford & Lawton, NY
276 pages, 44 sections
Illustrated on every page with detailed drawings
Printed B&W
9.5 inch by 12-inch format

This is a very comprehensive book on upholstering furniture in all aspects. It lays out the tools, materials and processes. It is very detailed with excellent drawings throughout. Since automobile interiors drew their styling and techniques from furniture, this is a good place to understand both. It would certainly apply to earlier automobiles than later, yet the principles are the same. In the original version, the book is very beautiful to look at. Lots of information can be acquired just by scanning the drawings. It has been republished recently and is affordable. Have not seen the recent reissued version, it might not have the same beauty as the original versions, yet the information should be the same. I would recommend this book in a reference library when one wants an understanding of the soft trim of furniture that would apply in principle to automobile interiors.

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