Fastener Standards This book is a comprehensive book on all aspects of all styles of fasteners, intended to be used as a design guide for manufactures and engineers alike. I use it when I make a fastener to get the tolerances for machining, and for torque specifications. The Machinery Handbook also has similar information in a more affordable book, yet this book is much more comprehensive. If this book can be purchased used in any edition, even an older edition, at a reasonable price, it would be a great addition to an ultimate library, or new for those with unlimited funds. I became aware of this book back in 2000 when Nick DiMaio, a metal shaper who had participated in my seminar, brought his father to my shop for a visit. His dad, Tony DiMaio from Haverhill, MA worked on the section of standards in the “pop rivet” section. He presented me with the book at that time, as a gift. I have used it often when looking to understand specifics in fasteners. |
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